TO OUR DEDICATED TEAM, Faded Pictures and A RA-TID Productions for the camera work, editing and commitment to our projects.
To our researcher Mrs Jo Erickson whose research and writing assistance to maintain the accuracy of all information have been invaluable.
To our photographer Mr Dez Mighty who consistently adds professionalism mixed with grace, style and class to our work.
To Mr Phillip Udeh for bringing our much needed projects to fruition.
To our website designer Mr John Galon for the guidance and expertise with the website.
To DJ 279 for the wisdom given to the young people who no longer view their mentor as a judge but as part of our team.
To our confidential advisor and friend Miss Elayne Smith for the personal knowledge and help to be more informed.
To the Z Bar for their constant support, not only do they entrust the venue at no cost but also contribute with their hearts.
To all volunteers who have placed so much time and effort towards our projects. Who personally give more to each contestant not just as a job description but as people who truly care. Their work has been exemplary. Mr and Miss Black and Beautiful Thank You!
WARM THANKS TO, The Heritage Lottery Fund for their encouragement and support in delivering the 80's Babies Project.
To our Heritage partner Mr Patrick Vernon who has believed in our community work since the very beginning.
To the African Caribbean Business Network for the strategic marketing advice and friendship.
To our printers Marmoset Media who make sure that deadlines are always maintained.
To our graphic designer Creative design & print centre for their continual services and interminable support.
To the Halo for the support of the 80's Babies project their kindness has been imperative for the continuation of workshops.
To Choice FM for the loyal and unwavering support also to their staff who are exceptional and hard working.
To our media sponsor the South London Press who generously position our articles.
To the Voice Media Group who support the achievements and accretion of Mr and Miss Black and Beautiful.